Training Videos

Election Integrity Training Modules

Central Absentee Precinct (CAP) | Link

·       This training module focuses on information about the Central Absentee Precinct (CAP). 

Election Officers and Poll Watchers Part-A | Link 

  • This training focuses on information specific for poll watchers and election officers. 

Election Officers and Poll Watchers Part-B | Link 

·       This training focuses on information specific for poll watchers and election officers. 

Navigating the Registrar’s Office | Link

·       Understanding the ins and outs of your local General Registrar’s Office, appointments and hires,
and how to secure those positions.

Provisional Canvass | Link

·       This training focuses on information about the canvass and provisional canvass. 

·       The following link will direct you to the Q&A portion from one of the VFE EO/PW training
workshops. | Link

Same Day Voter Registration | Link

·       This training focuses on same-day voter registration. Virginia implemented same-day voter registration for the first time on October 1, 2022.