Leadership Institute: Election Integrity and Election Day Webinar
Join our friends at the Leadership Institute for a webinar “Election Integrity and Election Day” on Thursday, October 6 from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. This webinar will feature Election Integrity Network’s National Training Director Kerri Toloczko as well as election expert Caitlin Huxley of the Leadership Institute and Stephen Rowe, Director of Digital Training for […]
EIN: Citizens Research Project
Join the Election Integrity Network every Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. for a discussion on their “Citizens Research Project” led by EIN’s Deputy Director, Ned Jones. It’s essential that concerned citizens get involved, at the local level, to fix our problematic election systems. Learn how you can take your frustration about election security and work to restore […]
EIN: National Vulnerable Voters Working Group
Join us every Monday evening in October at 7 p.m. for the National Vulnerable Voters Working Group coalition call. We hope you will come ready to learn and share. Although our EIN team leads the call, it is the experience and suggestions from our attendees that will really make the difference for our vulnerable voters. […]
EIN: National USPS Working Group
When it comes to voting in the United States, it is imperative that citizens monitor the US Postal Service (USPS), the largest precinct in the country, just like we observe and monitor any other precinct. In order to coordinate a national effort to monitor how the USPS handles election mail (135 Million Vote-By-Mail ballots in […]